Tuesday 22 February 2011


I am busy writing a book on Spiritual Intelligences. I am currently on page 18 and will be sharing this book on line with you in sections on a weekly basis.

Here is a preview:
These lectures help us to experience
that what we already know.


It is exquisitely adapted to inform us in the most perfect way

Each experience which comes to us, great or small, is part of the enlightening process, and each one of us encounters just those experiences which are needed to give us the best opportunity for our next step forward. You already know everything, but the "veil" lifts with love.

Few of us take advantage of the teachings of daily life, unless forced to do so by some bitter experience. Divine wisdom guides the vibrations of every atom as well as the swing of the planets, the life of the least one of us, as well as the destinies of nations.

Thus, wisdom is the essence distilled from knowledge by the alchemy of the Soul.
The cause of our own sorrow and pleasures, our success and failures lies within ourselves. The 1st step is to now yourself.


“ We ARE  the “same stuff “ with all the same
properties and abilities – including the ability to create physical reality out
of thin air. My purpose in creating you, My spiritual offspring was for Me to
know Myself as GOD. My purpose for you is that you should know yourself as Me.
There is only one way to know yourself as me and that is for you first to know yourself as not Me
.” (extract from ”Conversations with God” book 1) The promise of God is that you are He’s offspring. Its likeness, His equal.

The purpose of the human Soul is to experience all of it – so that it can be all of it.

I will explain this as I understand it. This is the “Jin and Jang” that the East
speak of so often. The one can not exist without the other. You can not know
what COLD is if you have not yet experienced HOT

In other words you can not know who you are if you do not know who you are not.

After reading and researching several books I decided to ask my Angels to show me my truth. My truth, is the only truth after all. You will only keep what belongs to you once you read this. When you follow your Truth, doors will be opened that will influence many, it may even feel that you aren’t doing anything, but you transform everything.

Stop existing and Start Living

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis works by placing you in a meditative state or trance.

In truth, hypnosis is something most of us have experienced in our everyday lives. If you've ever been totally engrossed in a book or movie and lost all track of time or didn't hear someone calling you, you were experiencing a hypnotic trance.

Hypnosis creates a hyper-attentive and hyper-responsive mental state, in which your subconscious mind is
susceptible to suggestions.
Under Hypnosis we place new suggestions into the subconscious mind, which brings about a new state of thinking. This is very effective in changing negative patterns and healing the mind. All memory is stored in the subconscious mind, which is in control of the body’s “functioning” and the conscious “thinking” process.
Visit my website http://angelhealing.yolasite.com

I am a qualified hypnotherapist and my aim with this blog is to promote this wonderful healing method.

You are welcome to ask questions and I will share my knowledge with you.