Monday 23 May 2011

Healing 2011

Heal now!

If you are suffering from any medical condition please contact your licensed
medical practitioner
. The treatments listed below relies on alternative healing please note that no clinical trials or results are available and
rests heavily on anecdotal proof.

Health is among the things money can’t buy. Day by day, efforts and a healthy lifestyle are needed to be in good health. Each day should be seen as a new start. You should be open-minded about new things and prepared to learn. An active life and the ability to adjust to new circumstances play an essential role in the
health of body, mind and soul

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy - bookings available

During hypnosis the consciousness is in an
altered state where focused concentration is achieved at which time the person
so treated in neither asleep or awake. Placing patients in a state of trance
was a way in which they were treated in ancient times, since they were very
receptive to any suggestion or ideas.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a very effective medical tool to help with the treatment
and management of stress and anxiety and can also be used to help break bad
habits. Not all people can however be hypnotized and if a patient is not
willing to submit to hypnosis, it cannot be induced involuntarily.

The stage use of hypnosis, which is performed to
amuse people, has no bearing on the medical application of hypnosis and

During a hypnotherapy session, visualization can
be used to train and focus the attention on a specific image and this technique
is used with great effect to reduce stress, help overcome phobias and in pain

Regression during hypnosis can help a patient
come to terms with a blocked-out image of trauma in earlier years when such
hypnotherapy is done by a skilled professional.

Patients can be taught the technique of self
hypnosis, which can be a most valuable tool when correctly used.

Meditation for complete relaxation - bookings available

If you call it quiet contemplation, or
meditation, it is a well known fact that this practice has a greatly relaxing
effect on the body and mind. Although most forms of meditation are from Eastern
religious origins, they have evolved into a non-religious, non-sectarian way
that is used by thousands of people to help with relaxation, emotional stress
and pain management.
Meditation became fashionable in the 1960s when TM (Transcendental
) was brought to the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, which is a
simplified version of ancient yoga where a mantra is chanted or concentrated
upon during a half-hour session twice a day.

When Western researchers studied the physical
effects of meditation, they found that it slows the metabolism, reduces oxygen
consumption and lowers carbon monoxide production.
During meditation imagery can also be used for a
variety of treatments - from management stress to helping fight disease. During
imagery the patient goes into quiet meditation and then starts up the image of
what is to be focused on - for instance during cancer treatment the patient
will form an image of how positive the radiation is on killing off the
cancerous cells, or patients with broken bones will evoke the image of the
bones knitting together.
People also use this imagery or visualization to
help improve athletic or artistic performance.

When meditating, it is best to do it in a quiet
area and the first hurdle is to stop the stream of conscious thoughts flooding
your mind. This is where a mantra is useful, since you direct your focus onto

First focus on your breathing, and take deep
regular breaths, and when other thoughts fill your mind, gently put them aside
and let them go. After a while you will find that your mind has far greater
control to keep other thoughts away during your meditation periods.

There are many books, audio as well as
videotapes, available to teach you how to meditate, but it may also be a good
idea to first be guided by a qualified instructor.

During meditation, the vaporization of essential oils may
also help to create an even more relaxed atmosphere, since some oils have
that may be conducive to relaxation and meditation.

Reflexology / Reflex zonetherapy as used to promote health - bookings available

Reflexology is also known as reflex zone therapy
and uses specific points on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands to
influence certain organs and to treat disorders.

Although most people think that reflexology
originated in the East, modern reflexology was actually developed by an
American Ear, Nose and Throat specialist Dr. William Fitzgerald in 1913. His 10
vertical zones into which he divided the flow of energy to the feet and hands
were refined in the 1940s by Eunice Ingham who concentrated on the pressure
points found on the feet.

This is the way the origin of "modern"
reflexology is seen by the West, whereas the Indian and Chinese health systems
claim to have employed the use of reflexology pressure points for more than
5,000 years.
But whatever the real origins of reflexology may
be, a reflexology therapist may use pressure points on the feet, hands, ears as
well as other points on the body, the main focus still remains on the pressure
points found on the feet.
During a treatment session the entire foot is
worked upon and when points are found to be tender to pressure, they are worked
upon for longer periods to stimulate such area.

Practitioners sometimes talk about "breaking
up the crystals" and this refers to the spots where a problem may be
present, and instead of having a smooth skin and tissue texture, the area feels
as if small crystals are present, which are broken up when massaged and worked

Spiritual healing - bookings available

The belief in a Higher being, in whichever form a
person believes in, has been used throughout the history of mankind in healing.
Spiritual healing can take two forms - that of a sick person being healed
through his or her own belief in his or her God or Spiritual guide. The other
is where a Spiritual healer is used to assist the sick person.

In our modern hi-tech world it is not always
fashionable to rely on a Deity which you scientifically cannot quantify or
dissect, yet in times of desperation, when all modern medicine has failed with
a medical cure, it is always the Spiritual healing route that people turn to -
either through their own religious convictions or by using a Spiritual healer.

Although modern medicine scoffs at miracles, as
it once again cannot be scientifically quantified, they have been happening
since the beginning of time and although the skeptics may refer to these
miracles as "spontaneous healing" we do believe that such
"spontaneous healing" happens only by divine intervention.

People practicing as Spiritual healers come from
various religious denominations or simply believe in the Universe, and the
Universal healing power. What people should be careful of when seeking out a
Spiritual healer is to make sure that they are genuine and sincerely believe in
what they do, and are not merely con-men and charlatans seeking to make money
out of people's desperation - because these lowly and despicable types of
humanity do unfortunately populate this realm of healing and in so doing bring
great discredit to those who practice their belief with a pure heart and

Spiritual healing is used in all forms of healing
from the most insignificant problems to life-threatening situations.

The mechanics of Spiritual healing cannot be
explained in medical terms, but could be said to be a time where the patient
and God become one, and where the Deity then intervenes and provides the

Spiritual healing can take many forms - for the
individual it can be quiet contemplation, prayer, acceptance of the Deity's
bigger plan in life, an acceptance of love, total forgiveness and understanding
that man is but a part of the universe and the greater plan of God, or where a
Spiritual healer is involved it could include prayer, incantations, meditation,
laying on of hands etc.

Faith and prayer are a powerful combination and
the results can be miraculous - discounting the charlatans that present
themselves in this field - and bring comfort and hope to thousands of people.

Hydrotherapy Products available

Hydrotherapy treatments

Innumerable people have experienced relief from their discomfort by
Sebastian Kneipp’s hydrotherapy. Kneipp said: “I don’t think there is any
medicine that has a more reliable healing action than water.“ Hydrotherapy is the where water is used
in a variety of therapeutic ways to treat disease and illness, alleviate pain,
promote relaxation, fight stress and enhance general health and well being. The
'father' of hydrotherapy is seen as
Sebastian Kneipp

External hydrotherapy utilizes hot and cold water in a variety of ways and varies
from cool immersion baths, hot baths,
sitz baths, mud baths,
steam baths,
saunas, jacuzzis, showers, body
rubs, hot and cold packs, compresses, pressure hosing, douches and colonic

Although most Western medical people acknowledge
the benefits of hydrotherapy, there are certain therapies, like colonic
irrigation, which is highly controversial.

Internal hydrotherapy would be the taking of
water internally to help cleanse the body, and could take the form of a water
fast, where nothing but water is taken for a period of time.

In formalized medical facilities, hydrotherapy
can be performed by trained medical personnel including physiotherapists and in
a health spa it is normally applied by the trained natural health personnel or
massage therapist.
Hydrotherapyis useful in treating muscle and joint pain, inflammation, burns,
frostbite, chest congestion, sinusitis, headaches, fevers, indigestion,
detoxifying, stress etc and can also be used as part of a rehabilitation
program after injury or surgery.

Essential oils are often used in conjunction with
hydrotherapies to enhance the action of the therapy being performed.
every treatment starts with a bath. Brine baths stimulate the metabolism and
bubble baths double the effect of most bath salts. Pleasant baths with
relaxing, stimulating, invigorating and refreshing properties:• Aroma bath:
pleasant to the senses.

• Carbon dioxide bath: water bubbling out of a spring.

• Herbal bath: nice-smelling herbs added to a bath.

• Liquid Sound: taking a bath in an environment of light and sound.

• Whey bath: for a healthy skin.

• Rose flower bath: having a bath like in fairyland.

• Floatation bath: relaxation in salt water.

Sulphur bath:
for persons affected with rheumatism or neurodermatitis.

• Brine bath: having a bath in salt water.

• Thermal bath: Taking advantage of the power of thermal water.

Cleopatra's bath
(“having a bath like a queen”) Find
out the secret of Cleopatra’s beauty.

Ancient Egyptian-style luxury tub bath with essential oils and milk. Its name
is derived from Cleopatra, queen of ancient Egypt, who is said to have loved to
take a bath in milk and honey. Cleopatra’s bath contributes to personal hygiene
and may relax the autonomic nervous system and the muscles. for apointment or more info