Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hypnosis the Key

Hypnosis the key

When you find it difficult or impossible to change an unwanted habit, it often has to do with the way you relate, or communicate, with yourself. Hypnosis works because its highest goal and purpose is to help you develop a caring and compassionate relationship with your inner self. Essentially, you realize greater integration or alignment of different parts of you, inside, that may be failing to communicate because they ‘think’ they are at odds with one another.

When you feel stuck in some area of your life, it can seem as if part of you wants to change and another part does not. It may annoy or perplex you not to be open to your own suggestions.

If something is not in your life there is a part of you that do not want it…..

It seems like it should be easy to stop doing something you’ve decided is harmful, such as stop binge eating or angry outbursts, or start doing something beneficial to your health, such as enjoy a lifestyle of regular exercise and nutritious food on your way to a strong, trim and fit body.

The more you resist the more it will persist. Let it go, let it go, it is not worth it.

More often, this resistance means differing parts of you are in conflict. Stop fighting go with the flow, stop beating yourself up it is ok. It is like anything in life if you stop paying attention to it, the boredom kicks in it leaves you without a fight.

Similar to conflict in human relationships, it also means the way one or both parties communicate is the problem. The words and approach they are using do not foster empathic listening, mutual understanding or reciprocity, and rather promote anxiety, lack of trust and reactivity instead. Thus, the essential connection each needs to gain one another’s heartfelt cooperation is absent.

It is like you have already made up your mind that someone was in the wrong.

Absent an empathic connection, each person likely feels confused why the other person doesn’t “see” or understand their perspective. As a consequence, both come to erroneous conclusions about one another and the situation, i.e., they may personalize the actions of the other, conclude the other is unloving or incorrigible, or perceive self as inadequate, forever unable to stop the other from getting upset or get the other to understand. Neither realizes the real problem has to do with the misguided methods they are using to matter to the other, to be heard, and so on.

Remember once it is said, you can never take it back!!! Even if you apologize 300 times

All of us take similar action based on the situation we are in with the information we have, and this means we can not make mistakes. If more information comes to light and our situation changes we will abandon that decision because it no longer serves us, and the we will make a new decision.

Similarly, when you try to change one of your habits, the approach you use will determine the extent to which you succeed in influencing subconscious parts of you to change. Your conscious mind may want to realize a strong, trim and fit body, for example, and thus is willing to learn to enjoy healthier lifestyle habits, however, the question is whether your subconscious mind is on board.

If your efforts have been repeatedly thwarted, it’s not.

You may feel confused why you do not simply stop doing something that is unwanted or harmful, or why you don’t maintain habits that would be really beneficial. For example, you want to stop smoking or stop using disparaging put-downs when stressed, or you want to start getting up earlier, get organized or throw out clutter, yet, part of you very much opposes the realization of these goals.

Any idea that involves changes to some of your current thinking, beliefs, wants and needs, etc., are likely to be met with some resistance, particularly if the perceived emotional discomfort is greater than the perceived benefits. The sense that “part” of you resists your efforts to change tells you there is a misalignment between the objectives of your conscious mind and your “subconscious mind,” also known as unconscious, nonthinking part of the brain.

Old habits may be toxic, but they are also familiar and thus, ‘comfortable.’ Your body is hardwired to resist what is uncomfortable, and change often falls in this category. Typically, most persons do not change old stuck patterns unless the pain of not changing is greater than the pain of changing. It is a relationship that harms no one but yourself and it is hard to say goodbye to those relationships.

You may be wondering, “How does hypnosis work with parts that resist change?”

Hypnosis gives you tools to self-direct changes, and makes otherwise grueling processes easier. You can more easily and effortlessly transform what is uncomfortable to comfortable, even enjoyable, as you learn how to consciously shift your mind to perceived benefits.

Primarily, hypnosis helps you to develop the healthy relationship with your inner self that, for one reason or another, you have not learned to establish. It’s not a question of capability; all the equipment you need is built-in. It simply involves learning to build rapport – a sense of safety and trust – between your conscious or thinking mind and your subconscious or emotional body-mind, which is the part of you that runs your entire body, also known as the “unconscious” or “nonthinking” part of the brain.

If you’re a citizen of the Western civilization you have been conditioned by major cultural institutions – to include science – not to trust your inner self and emotions.

With hypnosis, you engage processes of awareness that make it possible to increase the communication and thus understanding between the conscious mind and subconscious mind, a striving that improves the shared sense of cooperation necessary in working together toward a common goal. In this, you come to new understandings that allow you to integrate disowned parts to increase sense of wholeness.

This largely comes about by learning how to communicate with ‘hidden’ parts of you, in a sense, wounded parts that have been neglected, shamed, wittingly or unwittingly, in early experiences in childhood. You need to communicate with compassion and respect for yourself because your subconscious mind is always listening to what you tell yourself inside. The cells of your body are always eavesdropping on the stream of thoughts that flow in your mind.

Simply put, words are very powerful because they are loaded with emotional meanings that shape our life and behaviors. Emotional meanings are felt in your body and are expressed non-verbally – for example: tone of voice, facial expressions, eye contact, body posture. Emotions are the language of your body. It understands two primary emotions, one that overall relaxes and creates feel-good sensations, and one that overall stresses and produces feel-bad sensations, respectively, varying degrees of either love- or fear-based emotional states.

Awareness is key. In the process of accepting all of your self, you develop your awareness and connection to your thoughts, feelings, wants, yearnings and so on, essential in expressing who you are and the gifts you bring.

You need a conscious awareness of what you tell yourself in your mind, your self-talk. You also need an awareness of any limiting beliefs you may hold, since these can form the basis of problematic self-talk. Additionally, you need an awareness of how to communicate with yourself that conveys respect, empathy and compassion, a conscious process of caring and nurturing of your self, mind and body.

When you are in a relaxed state of mind, your brain is in ‘learning mode’ and the systems of your body are in open communication with one another. In contrast, when you are anxious, your body is at risk of triggering your brain’s ‘protective mode’ in which communication is severely limited to that which is essential to that which ensures your survival. Notably, your body handles threats to your physical survival, i.e., a tiger in the jungle, in the same way as threats to your emotional, i.e., a critical comment from a parent or spouse.

Essentially, all emotional healing involves learning a nurturing, responsive way to communicate with yourself, realizing also that there is a direct connection between how you communicate to yourself and how you communicate to others. The words you use and the emotional resonance with which you deliver them can accordingly empower healing or more stuckness in old patterns.

Hypnosis allows all parts of your mind and body to remain in communication, and thus to work together toward the same goals and vision, even when you face triggering situations that would normally activate high stress for you. These triggering events are associated with wounded parts of self, perhaps parts that were neglected, shamed or denounced in early childhood experiences, which you learned to disown or repress as a way to literally help you survive periods in your life when your physical survival literally depended on your emotional survival. At the time, you needed ways to release the ‘safety and love’ hormone oxytocin, and thus had to repress parts of you that seemed to threaten your level of ‘safety and love’ in relation to caregivers.

By rewriting or reconfiguring these early experiences to create a new way of experiencing your past and present, you allow integration to take place, to achieve wholeness and authenticity. It is only by learning to genuinely accept all parts of you that healing and integration of any disowned, hated or rejected parts of us occurs. We feel authentic as our entire self, our thoughts, feelings, wants, yearnings and behaviors are more and more aligned in the direction of our goals. A relationship of trust develops that brings us increased sense of honest, balance, and presence in our lives.

This brings you an increased sense of honesty, balance, and presence to life in and around you. The goal and purpose of hypnosis is to experience greater integration of self, heart and mind and body.

Ultimately, hypnosis is one of the fastest, easiest ways to form a working, healing and caring authentic relationship with your self and life around you.
It also teaches you how to be playful again like when you were a child exploring and doing something you have never done before. Being playful is the key to life.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Hypnosis , Healing and the Labyrinth

We need to take everything into account.

Use all our senses,

And all the tools to our disposal:

Crystals and Gemstones also have a frequency of Vibration and will gladly give their powers to you even if you do not believe.

Colors play a major roll in our health

Herbs and good food is essential

Nature heals, Sound heals, Fragrance heals, Light heals

The Human Body rocks at a certain Frequency and Vibration.

Every object on this planet, still or alive, has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Electrical frequency is being measured by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz) and for convenience it is defined in multiplying units like: KHz, MHz, GHz and THz. When referring to living organisms the proper frequency measuring unit is MHz Megahertz equals to 106 Hz.

People might ask how come a living organism like the human being has measurable frequencies. The definite answer is how is it possible that human beings would NOT radiate in certain frequencies? The human body is a radiant machine. Every living element in our body radiates. Our brain operates on electrical current, our ears absorb sounds vibrations, and we produce voices and temperature. We move at such high speed it looks like we are standing still.

As was said, living organisms have measurable frequencies on various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. That fact has enabled scientist to conduct researches on humans and map their frequencies. It turned out quite clearly that there are frequency differences in healthy humans in comparison to ill ones. Then scientists discovered that each illness has different frequency that is always within a definite range. During the first steps of that line of research those results were considered as a new diagnostic discovery, yet as the research progressed and researches started running frequency measures on human cells, it turned out that those cells also reacted to direct external light and sound frequencies. The most incredible discovery was that ill cells reacted to very precise levels of frequencies and were cured or eliminated whilst nearby healthy cells remained intact.

It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in quite may humans. That is why it is so important to keep you freq. of vibration as high as possible.
The things that make you fall in freq. is alcohol and/or drug abuse

Any frequency can be changed by an external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is of no exception. The beginning of the third millennium opens new horizons for frequency medicine and as it seems now, this process has already begun and it looks very promising for the human kind.

Our emotional states are an important factor both in our quality of life and in our overall health. Balancing our emotions will lead to a better and healthier life.
Most of our emotions have a significant reciprocation with our biological systems: The internal organs (for example: The liver and gallbladder are associated with anger), The endocrine system, which secretes hormones (for example: The adrenal gland is associated with stress and emotional outbursts of anger), The nervous system (emotions stimulate very specific activities in the nervous system) and the chemicals which affects the emotional states in the brain (for example: Dopamine is implicated in the brain's natural reward system and, therefore, is seen as pleasure generating).
Balanced emotions are essential to our physical health: Poor emotional health weakens the body's immune system, making us more likely to get ill. Constant and/or extreme negative emotions can lead to various diseases including chronic and terminal ones. 
Mental illness is any kind of disease or condition that effects the brain and influences the way a person thinks and feels, behaves and/or relates to other people and to his/her surroundings. A mental disorder or A mental illness generally also associated with subjective distress or disability. Some mental illnesses may be triggered by psychological trauma from childhood. Certain causes of stress, such as a death or divorce, a dysfunctional life, changing jobs or schools and alcohol and/or drug abuse, trigger a disorder in a person who is at risk for developing a mental illness.  
Some meditation music is designed to help you change and balance your freq. of vibration.

To truly be as Master
You need to be a Master of your emotions
To be a master of your emotions,
Is to forgive and let go.
If you stare to long at that,
That does not serve you anymore,
You do not see the new wonderful
Opportunities and doors that open behind you.
Hypnosis is an art because there is infinite number of ways in which you can play with and alter subjective reality - yours, or someone else's. The secret of successful self-hypnosis is in learning how to play the game of pretending really well. You choose what you want to experience and pretend that it is real for you now.
The truth is - you have been playing this game your entire life - perhaps unconsciously and unknowingly. To be sure, people around you helped - in different ways they influenced how you should think and act and feel - and then you continued to make your choices and created experiences that validated the perception of the world you accepted. In time you set up a feed-back loop - you think a thought, then, look for something in the external world to validate it and confirm it. This in turn, reinforces the original thought, and as the same pattern repeats, you reinforce your chosen beliefs about reality. Your beliefs then influence your experience of reality automatically. If you don't like what you are experiencing you can begin by changing your thoughts by choosing what you want to experience and taking care and control of your mind.
If you don't care to take control of your mind, others will do their best to do it for you. It begins with your parents who most often do have your best interests at heart, though they can only teach you what they have learned. It then continues with educational institutions whose main interest is in turning you into a socially-productive individual who will pledge allegiance to and feel dependent upon the external world or rather the powers that govern the specific country. It is not in their interest to turn you into a fearless human being who is fully aware of and capable of using his mental faculties, who knows that his thoughts create his reality, because then you cannot be controlled and manipulated. It is in their interest to keep you feeling slightly anxious, afraid, slightly inadequate, insecure, and helpless - feeling good enough to be socially productive, but not so good that you stop participating in a never-ending chain of purchasing pills and goodies that will at least for a few moments make you feel a little bit better. In this way you keep on fuelling economy, which is good for the country.
That's why, after you get sufficiently brainwashed through the schooling system, you get more helpings through daily newspapers, news and TV programs. In this way, your mind gets a new daily dose of programming with fresh disasters in the world, lest you forget that there is a possible danger lurking behind every corner. You get more helpings through flashy advertisements. They are all happily programming your subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.
Companies are investing billions of dollars each year on advertising because it is a wonderful way of hypnotizing people - of influencing people's thoughts and emotions - and it works. When you keep on flashing an idea - whether through words, pictures, music, movies or any other form - day in and day out - it becomes so familiar to the people that they accept it as their own.
You can do the same for yourself - by flashing to yourself ideas of the things you desire to experience in your life and out of the infinite ways in which you can do this here are just a few - choosing the thoughts you think, working with affirmations, using hypnosis recordings, hanging out with people who have accomplished what you desire to accomplish, choosing what you read and what you watch, choosing the songs you listen to, making treasure maps and essentially surrounding yourself with anything that helps you to keep your mind focused on your desired outcome - as if it were already a part of your life now. You are the only person responsible for your life. Let go of the past and embrace your power to create the life you'd enjoy living now.
I'm sure you will agree, in health we are spoilt with choices. There are four major philosophies to choose from, Medical, holistic, alternative or integrative. Amongst the followers of each philosophy you'll find various spiritual beliefs which may or may not impact your choices. And irrespective of the philosophy and beliefs there are four distinctive approaches to health.
1. If you believe that disease is something that just happens, then your approach will be to wait till disease sets in before doing anything about your physical well-being.
2. If you are a proponent of preventative medicine then you will concern yourself with the avoidance of sickness.
3. Another approach is to concern yourself with maintaining your current state of wellness, or worseness.
4. The last approach is to actively promote your own well-being by living, as closely as possible, according to the laws of nature. To a large extent it shares in some of the benefits of the other approaches but it is very different and actually goes far beyond them. This approach does not focus primarily on disease or its prevention, or maintaining a state of health. Instead its major thrust is a deliberate choice on the part of the person using this approach to live at the peaks - to explore the heights - of wellbeing.
Holistic Health is based on a holistic philosophy called nature cure also known as naturopathy or natural hygiene. They believe in natural ways which, when viewed through our Christian spiritual filter, are God's ways.

"People who live in tune with God's ways and see them as good become healthy, youthful, attractive, and alive. Those who view their body as a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit of God, and, accordingly treat it with respect and care, are best able to adapt to God's ways."

Which version of the game do you currently play? How healthy, youthful, attractive and alive is it making you?
Something to think about...

I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angy
I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

Purify & create harmony in your home & office!Why is it important to cleanse?
Every space has energy, every cubic centimeter of office or home is composed of infinite energy.
When you enter a space that makes you immediately feel light & uplifted, or walk into a room where the atmosphere leaves you feeling depleted & drained, you are responding to the energy of the environment. Sometimes the energy in the home or office can become stagnant & dull. When this is the case, you may feel tired & listless, or become agitated & angry.
Cleansing the energy in your home or office can produce remarkable & positive influence on the way you feel & on every aspect of your life.
Cleansing removes all unwanted negative energies.
It will assist in adding calmness, balance & peace.
It will allow energy to follow in harmony and create a space of oneness.
Everyone needs a place of peace.

The Labyrinth … A Walking Meditation…
Labyrinths have been around for over 4000 years and are found in just about every major religious tradition in the world. They have been an integral part of many cultures such as Native American, Greek, Celtic and Mayan. The Hopi called the labyrinth the symbol for "mother earth" and equated it with the Kiva. Like Stonehenge and the pyramids, they are magical geometric forms that define sacred space.
During the crusades, they were used to symbolically represent the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Today, labyrinths are being used for reflection, meditation, prayer and comfort. They are found in many sizes and shapes, and are created in sand, cornmeal, flour, painted on
canvas, fashioned with masking tape or string for a temporary design, or built in a permanent fashion from stones, cut into turf, formed by mounds of earth, made from vegetation, or any other natural material.
There are three basic designs -- seven circuit, eleven circuit, and twelve circuit. The most common design found around the country today is the seven circuit, seen on the left side of this page. These seven circuit designs were found on pottery from over 2000 years ago. Chartres Cathedral at Chartres, France is a very famous example of an eleven circuit design, as seen to your right. One of the most famous aspects of the cathedral in Chartres is the spectacular rose window over the great west doors. It has the same dimensions as the labyrinth and is exactly the same distance up the west wall as the labyrinth is laterally from the cathedral's main entrance below the window. An imaginary cosmic hinge located where the doors and floor intersect would, if closed, place the rose window directly on top of the labyrinth, thus the sparkling, colored light of the window and the darkness of the labyrinthine pilgrimage are combined.
Many people make the mistake of thinking a labyrinth and a maze are the same. A maze has dead ends and many trick turns. A labyrinth has only one path leading to the center and back out again. There are no dead ends.
When you walk a labyrinth, you meander back and forth, turning 180 degrees each time you enter a different circuit. As you shift your direction you also shift your awareness from right brain to left brain. This is one of the reasons the labyrinth can induce receptive states of consciousness. It can also help to balance the chakras.
Each person's walk is a personal experience. How one walks and what one receives differs with each walk. Some people use the walk for clearing the mind and centering. Others enter with a question or concern. The time in the center can be used for receiving, reflecting, meditating, or praying, as well as discovering our own sacred inner space. What each person receives can be integrated on the walk out. Your walk can be a healing and sometimes very profound experience or it can be just a pleasant walk. Each time is different.
Labyrinths are truly sacred places. The design itself is inherently powerful. The space and the experience of walking it are also very sacred and powerful and help us feel a greater sense of Oneness. It is a tool for people of all beliefs to come together for a common spiritual experience.

Something to think about...

If something is not in your life
There is a part of you
That do not want it…

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