Saturday 1 March 2014

Enslavement WHY DO WE HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT ALL THE WAYS IN WHICH WE ARE ENSLAVED? WHY CAN’T WE SIMPLY WALK AWAY? The higher dimensions cannot hold negativity or dirty tricks. Because Earth is ascending, she must be cleansed of so very much dirt that has been swept under the rug. That is why one cover-up after another is being swept into the Light for all to see.  Have you noticed that as each cover-up is exposed, the pace is growing more rapid? That pace will continue to strengthen. Humanity has started “sweeping” and as we do so, we will uncover more and more dirt … until finally, we can roll up the rug and toss it on the moving van and move to our new home.
ALL depression is the result of powerfully suppressed emotions. ALL chronic depression has its deepest and most important roots in stored-up pain FROM OUR UPBRINGING. Crucial and unhealed losses and betrayals in our central love connections (primarily with Mother and/or Father) and the invalidation of our Authentic Selves (including guilt and shame being placed upon our basics instincts and emotions including anger, sadness, the longing for love and affection, our developing and innocent sexuality, our willfulness and self-assertion etc.) are the buried pain that predisposes us to depression as adults. In this regard we must recognize that present-day events- a divorce or death of a loved one, a failure to achieve a cherished goal, an illness, the loss of one's job etc.- are the "straw that breaks the camel's back" and NOT the sole and primary cause of a deep and lasting depression. THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE EMOTIONS- PERIOD. The key to unchaining ourselves from our stored-up pain and thereby permanently heal our depression is to journey deep inside and discover THE ORIGINS OF THESE FEELINGS IN YOUR CHILDHOOD Usually a trained and experienced therapist will be your ally in this part of the journey. To fully release the primal roots of your depression you need COME PASSIONATELY ALIVE and scream out the truth of your anger, cry and sob to the bottom of your sadness, let out the despair and the hurt- until all the pain is gone. The more your burden of pain is expressed and released- and the more you are emotionally able to reach out for love the more your natural happiness and gladness to be alive takes over and becomes your "new normal". And if you are brave and compassionate enough for yourself- let a Hypnosis therapist teach you to forgive and Unconditional Self-Loving.