Sunday 7 August 2011

Know yourself

KNOW YOURSELF ……. WHO ARE YOU?             BY Michelle vd Merwe

“ We ARE  the “same stuff ‘ with all the same properties and abilities – including the ability to create physical reality out of thin air. My purpose in creating you, My spiritual offspring was for Me to know Myself as GOD. My purpose for you is that you should know yourself as Me. There is only one way to know yourself as me and that is for you first to know yourself as not Me.” (extract from ”Conversations with God” book 1) The promise of God is that you are He’s offspring. Its likeness, His equal.

The purpose of the human Soul is to experience all of it – so that it can be all of it.

I will explain this as I understand it. This is the “Jin and Jang” that the East speak of so often. The one can not exist without the other. You can not know what COLD is if you have not yet experienced HOT.
In other words you can not know who you are if you do not know who you are not.

After reading and researching several books I decided to ask my Angels to show me my truth. My truth, is the only truth after all. You will only keep what belongs to you once you read this.

God sated in all his brilliance that he is a god of LOVE and that he gave us FREE WILL and that we trough remembering who we are can be that Master soul he created.  For each circumstance is a gift and in each experience is a hidden treasure. He created us with all the knowingness in other words we were given all the knowledge. Now he wanted what we wanted and that is to experience that what we already know – but had to forget when we got body – in order to be able to experience. I can tell you what a Zebra looks like and what it is, but until you have been in it’s presence you have not experienced one.

It is much easier to change what you are doing than to change what another is doing. Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong  but because it no longer  makes an accurate statement of Who You Are.
All the “bad” things that happen are of your choosing. The mistake is not in choosing them, but in calling them bad. For in calling them bad you call your Self bad, since you created them disown your own creations.
REMEMBER there are no “shoulds” or shouldnt’s - you made decisions based on the knowledge and the situation at that time and those decisions were right. Do not judge or condemn for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end.

Be watchful of the choices of others but not judgmental know that their choice is perfect for them at that moment. Allow each soul to walk it’s path.

Know this, there is no coincidence and nothing happens by accident. You are powerful and made of the “same stuff “ as God. Look at what you can do – you think it into being.

Here is some guidance that I know as fact:
1)       You can be do and have whatever you can imagine
2)       You attract what you fear
3)       A thought is forever and it creates
4)       Love is all there is
5)       There is no coincidences in the universe
6)       Think speak and act as the God you are
7)       Accept who and what you are
8)       The universe responds to “I AM” as would a genie in a bottle
9)       You are constantly in the act of creating yourself
10)    If you have passion for nothing you have no life at all
11)    The more you resist the more you make it real
12)    It is you judgment that keep you from joy and
13)    Your expectations that make you unhappy
14)    God wants for you what you want for you
15)    You always get what you create and you are always creating
16)    If you do not like what you created – then choose again.
17)    The universe is a big Xerox machine and produces multiple copies of you thoughts
18)    You are what you think you are
19)    All illness is self created – fear is worry magnified
20)    All tings are everything
21)    Everyone has psychic ability
22)    If something is not in your life there is a part of you that do not want it.
23)    Ask and you  shall receive
24)    All of live is a rhythm or freq. of vibration
25)    Enjoy everything NEED nothing
26)    Wisdom is knowledge applied
27)    Be aware honest and responsible
28)    Do not accept the unacceptable
29)    Here and now is all there is
30)    You will always get what you choose
31)    God never says no
32)    Each moment ends the instant it begins
33)    Soul never dies
34)    You cannot do totally aware you can only be totally aware
35)    You are soul that has a body

Remember there is only one sacred promise – and that is to tell and live your truth all other promises are forfeitures of freedom, and that can never be sacred. For freedom is who you are if you forfeit freedom , you forfeit your Self. And that is not a  sacrament , that is blasphemy.
Until you can create your future you can not predict your future and you cannot promise anything truthfully about it.

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